The Game of Writing: Authenticity 2/3

This is the second piece in a series called The Game of Writing. To read the first piece, click here. Authenticity “Escape competition through authenticity.” - Naval Ravikant For anything worth having, there's going to be competition. That said, most people don't actually know what they're doing. They just grab a hold of the person… Continue reading The Game of Writing: Authenticity 2/3

How to promote your blog, spread positivity, and practice altruism

Recently I've developed a practice for after I publish a post on WordPress.  It's basically this: I like to take about 15 minutes and read other posts related to the tags I chose for mine. I aim to like 5-10 posts and leave about 3 comments. I've found a number of benefits to doing this:… Continue reading How to promote your blog, spread positivity, and practice altruism

Evaluate Like Your Life Depends On It

Because it does! In this article, I will discuss self evaluation and why I think it's a useful tool for improving life. In a previous post of mine, Action and Iteration, I explain the necessity of taking action and adjusting based on the feedback. This process is actually fairly intuitive, and we're doing some variation… Continue reading Evaluate Like Your Life Depends On It

Self Evaluate Like Your Life Depends On It

Because it does! In this article, I will discuss self evaluation and why I think it's a useful tool for improving life. In a previous post of mine, Action and Iteration, I explain the necessity of taking action and adjusting based on the feedback. This process is actually fairly intuitive, and we're doing some variation… Continue reading Self Evaluate Like Your Life Depends On It