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Great Acts Are Made Of Small Deeds

*Header Photo by Joshua Woroniecki on Unsplash* At the bottom right-hand of my website, I have a daily quote section. And anyone familiar with my writing knows that I love quotes.  I love the idea that you can take such powerful ideas and package them into neatly wrapped little gifts.  Having such wisdom and perspective…

Going In Circles

Going in circles is such a familiar expression. This feeling that we’re putting in the work but never able to get ahead. As so brilliantly expressed by The Red Queen in Lewis Carroll’s Through The Looking-Glass: Now, here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. If…

The Silent Majority

I believe that the majority of people are good. That the number of good-hearted people committed to building people up outweighs the number of those who want to tear them down.  But every time I see the news, it seems like the opposite. Like hell-fire is about to rain down and the world is doomed. …

Guest Post: Reclaim Your Individuality with Stoicism

What is Stoicism? I’m gonna provide a definition based on what I’ve learned from the Stoic texts I’ve read and studied. So it may not be perfect or up to the standards of Zeno (the founder of Stoicism). Stoicism is a very personal philosophy based on recognizing that which you can and can not control.…


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